human computer interaction in information society 2019
Human-computer interaction in information society is a conference organized by the Slovenian HCI community. The purpose of the conference is to gather researchers, practitioners and students in the field and offer the opportunity to exchange experiences and research results, as well as to establish contacts for future cooperation.

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This year’s fourth reincarnation of the conference is, for the first time, organized by the newly established SIGCHI Chapter ACM Chapter Bled, which is partly a result previous
conferences. The growth of the HCI community in the region is also witnessed by the doubled number of contributions coming from all major higher education institutions in Slovenia and abroad.
The topics covered by the conference range from the more established ones, such as usability testing, visualization and design of graphical user interfaces to virtual and augmented reality, user interfaces in healthcare, automotive industry, arts and e-learning.
You can view the full proceedings and some photos of the event.