Predstavitev plakata z naslovom “The Missing Interface: Micro-Gestures on Augmented Objects”

Povezava do plakata:

Članek je nastal v sodelovanju z raziskovalci iz Utrecht univerze (, NARA Inštituta za znanost in tehnologijo ( in Aalto univerze ( Povzetek članka je “Augmenting arbitrary physical objects with digital content leads to the missing interface problem, because those objects were never designed to incorporate such digital content and so they lack a user interface. A review of related work reveals that current approaches fail due to limited detection fidelity and spatial resolution. Our proposal, based on Google Soli’s radar sensing technology, is designed to detect micro-gestures on objects with sub-millimeter precision. Preliminary results with a custom gesture set show that Soli’s core features and traditional machine learning models (Random Forest and Support Vector Machine) do not lead to robust recognition accuracy, and so more advanced techniques should be used instead, possibly incorporating additional sensor features.”

Predstavitev članka “Augmentation not Duplication: Considerations for the Design of Digitally-Augmented Comic Books”

Povezava do članka:

Članek je nastal v sodelovanju z raziskovalci iz Lancaster Univerze (, Univerze v St Andrews ( in Cobourg univerze ( ter creativne industrije. Povzetek članka je: “Digital-augmentation of print-media can provide contextually relevant audio, visual, or haptic content to supplement the static text and images. The design of such augmentation—its medium, quantity, frequency, content, and access technique—can have a significant impact on the reading experience. In the worst case, such as where children are learning to read, the print medium can become a proxy for accessing digital content only, and the textual content is avoided. In this work, we examine how augmented content can change the reader’s behaviour with a comic book. We first report on the usage of a commercially available augmented comic for children, providing evidence that a third of all readers converted to simply viewing the digital media when printed content is duplicated. Second, we explore the design space for digital content augmentation in print media. Third, we report a user study with 136 children that examined the impact of both content length and presentation in a digitally-augmented comic book. From this, we report a series of design guidelines to assist designers and editors in the development of digitally-augmented print media.”

Organizacija delavnice “iHDI – International workshop on Human-Drone Interaction”

So-organizirali smo prvo delavnico v sklopu ACM CHI na temo “human-drone interaction” ( oz. interakcije človek-dron. V zadnjih leti se je uporaba dronov zelo povečala tako v zasebne kot v komercialne namene.

human drone interaction workshop

Izjemno zanimanje je svojevrstno razburljivo in hkrati grozljivo. Droni prinašajo namreč veliko prednosti kot so na primer dostava na oddaljene lokacije, pomoč ljudem s posebnimi potrebami, športnikom, kmetijstvu in reševanju. Hkrati pa se postavlja vprašanje kaj pomeni imeti drone v svojem okolju iz vidika varnosti, zasebnosti in nadzora. Na delavnici, ki je potekala 5. maja – dan po tem, ko je bila z dronom prvič na svetu dostavljena človeška ledvica, smo se dotaknili teh in drugih tem ter zaključili, da samo sodelovajnje z vladami pri odstranjevanju ovir za uporabo dronov in raziskovalci drugih področij (tehnologi, sociologi, fiziki …), lahko premagamo ovire pri uspešni inegraciji dronov v naša okolja.


Predstavitev ACM SIGCHI Chapter Bled Slovenia na ACM CHI 2019 konferenci

Na letošnji konferenci ACM CHI 2019 – Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (, ki je premierna konferenca na področju interakcije človek-računalnik smo prvič predstavili ACM SIGCHI Zbor

(Chapter) Bled Slovenija. Zbor je združenje slovenskih raziskolacev in profesiolacev, ki jih zanimajo področja interakcija človek-računalnik, uporabniška izkušnja and uporabniški vmesniki.