Organizacija delavnice “iHDI – International workshop on Human-Drone Interaction”

So-organizirali smo prvo delavnico v sklopu ACM CHI na temo “human-drone interaction” ( oz. interakcije človek-dron. V zadnjih leti se je uporaba dronov zelo povečala tako v zasebne kot v komercialne namene.

human drone interaction workshop

Izjemno zanimanje je svojevrstno razburljivo in hkrati grozljivo. Droni prinašajo namreč veliko prednosti kot so na primer dostava na oddaljene lokacije, pomoč ljudem s posebnimi potrebami, športnikom, kmetijstvu in reševanju. Hkrati pa se postavlja vprašanje kaj pomeni imeti drone v svojem okolju iz vidika varnosti, zasebnosti in nadzora. Na delavnici, ki je potekala 5. maja – dan po tem, ko je bila z dronom prvič na svetu dostavljena človeška ledvica, smo se dotaknili teh in drugih tem ter zaključili, da samo sodelovajnje z vladami pri odstranjevanju ovir za uporabo dronov in raziskovalci drugih področij (tehnologi, sociologi, fiziki …), lahko premagamo ovire pri uspešni inegraciji dronov v naša okolja.


HCI skupnost v Sloveniji se povezuje

Slovenska skupnost raziskovalcev na področju Interackcije človek-računalnik se je v zadnjih mesecih formalno združila v ACM SIGCHI Chapter Bled Slovenia in se tako pridružila drugim naprednim državam, ki se zavedajo pomena oblikovanja tehnoloških rešitev po meri uporabnika.

SIGCHI je posebna in hkrati ena največjih interesnih skupin v okviru največjega svetovnega računalniškega združenja ACM (Association of Computing Machinery), ki deluje tudi v slovenskem prostoru (ACM Slovenija). Glavna naloga združenja ACM je promocija in podpora napredku računalništva kot znanosti in poklica. Združenje tudi podeljuje Turingovo nagrado, ki velja za najprestižnejšo nagrado na področju računalništva in informatike.

Slovenski raziskovalci (Institut “Jožef Stefan”Univerza v Ljubljani, Univerza v Mariboru in Univerza na Primorskem) se bodo kot skupnost prvič predstavili javnosti v Glasgowu v Veliki Britaniji na vrhunski mednarodni konferenci ACM CHI.”

HCI-IS 2016 Schedule

Part 1 (14.00 – 16.00)

  • 14.00 – 14.15 – Opening event
  • 14.15 – 14.30 – Remote Interaction in Web-Based Medical Visual Application (Ciril Bohak, Primož Lavrič, Matija Marolt)
  • 14.30 – 14.45 – 3D serious games for Parkinson’s disease management (Bojan Blažica, Franc Novak, Anton Biasizzo, Ciril Bohak)
  • 14.45 – 15.00 – Designing visual interface for nutrition tracking of patients with Parkinson’s disease (Peter Novak, Barbara Koroušić Seljak, Franc Novak)
  • 15.00 – 15.15 – Short break
  • 15.15 – 15.30 – Redesign of Slovenian Avalanche Bulletin (Vanja Blažica, Janez Jaka Cerar, Aleš Poredoš)
  • 15.30 – 15.45 – Improving the usability of online usability surveys with an interactive Stripe scale (Matevž Pesek, Alja Isakovič, Gregor Strle, Matija Marolt)
  • 15.45 – 16.00 – Evaluation of common input devices for web browsing: mouse vs touchpad vs. touchscreen (Andrej Malečkar, Matjaž Kljun, Klen Čopič Pucihar, Peter Rogelj)

Coffee break (16.00 – 16.30)

Part 2 (16.00 – 17.45)

  • 16.30 – 16.45 – Wizard of Oz experiment for Prototyping Multimodal Interfaces in Virtual Reality (Blaž Gombač, Damir Deželjin, Matej Zemljak, Klen Čopič Pucihar, Patrik Širol, Matjaž Kljun)
  • 16.45 – 17.00 – Towards the improvement of GUARD graphical user interface (Žiga Kopušar, Franc Novak)
  • 17.00 – 17.15 – Towards affordable Mobile Crowd Sensing device (Gal Pavlin, Marko Pavlin)
  • 17.15 – 17.30 – I was here: a system for creating augmented reality digital graffiti in public place (Erik Šimer, Matjaž Kljun, Klen Čipič Pucihar)
  • 17.30 – 17.45 – Interactive Video Management by means of an Exercise Bike (Jan Štrekelj, Branko Kavšek)

Conference closing

HCI IS 2015 extended deadlines

Deadlines for HCI IS 2015 paper submission have been extended. New deadlines are:

Paper Submission: May, 10, 2015 June, 15, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: June, 7, 2015 July, 1, 2015
Camera Ready Submission: July, 1, 2015 July, 31, 2015

Mobile and responsive web applications

Mario Konecki


Web technology has been a major factor of globalization for years. Modern technology has enabled web applications to be more complex because of greater data transfer speeds. Web quality is something that has come to focus as well as usability as one of its major aspects. Mobile applications have become popular since smartphones have gained greater hardware possibilities. The question that has presented itself is whether web technology can be as good as native mobile technology. The discussion about these two technologies is presented in this paper along with the research about the current popularity and utilization of responsive mobile websites.

[Paper] [Presentation]

Decision support in emergency call service

Miha Ristič, Franc Novak


The emergency call service (telephone number 113) in Slovenia yearly receives more than half million calls. The communication between the caller and the policeman receiving the call is occasionally error prone due to stress and related conditions. From the above it is clear that a reliable operation of communication infrastructure and human resources is a prerequisite for efficient performance In this paper we explore possible ways of improving the emergency call service by providing decision support to the officer who receives the calls and dispatches a patrol to the place of the event.

[Presentation] [Presentation]

Use of UX and HCI tools among start-ups

Bojan Blažica


Today, User Experience (UX) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) tools can provide a competitive advantage that might be key of a company’s business success or failure. In this paper, the awareness and use of these tools among start-ups is examined with a survey. The results hint that there is lots of room for improvement in terms of raising awareness and adoption of tools that help companies deliver better experiences through their products.

[Paper] [Presentation]

Student’ acceptance of animated interactive presentation of sorting algorithms

Mario Konecki, Vladimir Mrkela


Programming courses are very important and challenging part of computer experts’ education process. However, abstract nature of these courses makes them rather difficult for most students. In order to increase students’ motivation and level of comprehension regarding programming an approach that includes less abstract presentation of programming concepts using visualization techniques is proposed and implemented through the tool SortExpert that is designed to help the students to cope in a more suitable and easier way with various sorting algorithms. Discussion about the effectiveness of existing visualization tools and research about the evaluation and acceptance of SortExpert are also presented.

[Paper] [Presentation]