The Slovene Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community has been present at the CHI 2024 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems this year as well. Looking at CHI statistics and seeing HCI being ever more popular in Slovenia is exciting.

Four authors from Slovenia were co-authors on full papers submitted and two were successful. Researchers form the University of Maribor published this paper:
Bhattacharya, Aditya, Simone Stumpf, Lucija Gosak, Gregor Stiglic, and Katrien Verbert. “EXMOS: Explanatory Model Steering Through Multifaceted Explanations and Data Configurations.” In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1-27. 2024.
In addition, Jordan Aiko Deja from the University of Primorska was a Global Inclusion and Equity co-chair together with Martina Schuß, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany, and Aimée Sousa Calepso, University of Stuttgart, Germany.