Some more information for tomorrow’s conference. See you soon!
Title: Mobile Interruptibility Management: The Role of Social Roles
Abstract: As we go about our daily lives we enact different social roles, with work and private roles being the most prominent. The traditional role boundaries have been shattered with the introduction of mobile communication devices – a work-related email might arrive during a family dinner, while a private chat message might buzz in a business meeting. While role blurring introduced with mobile phones might increase stress due to role conflict, it can also simplify task handling and provide the necessary flexibility (e.g. an option to work from home). In this talk I will present a line of research on mobile interruptiblity with a particular focus on the impact of social roles on notification handling. We will see how mobile device usage varies with the currently enacted social role, as well as how preferences for notification handling vary among individuals. Finally, I will discuss our vision of a system that matches the desired role boundary handling with the way notifications are managed on mobile devices.
Bio: Veljko Pejovic is an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His interests include mobile computing, HCI, resource-efficient computing, and the interaction of technology and society. His work on modelling user movement and communication behavior from mobile call records won the 2013 Orange D4D Challenge, while his work on interruptibility modelling resulted in the best paper nomination at the ACM UbiComp’14 conference.
Download schedule of Human-Computer Interaction in Information Society 2019 available here.